

from tf2_utils import Inventory, map_inventory

# Create an inventory object
provider = Inventory("steamsupply", "API KEY")
# steamcommunity, steamsupply, steamapis and custom are supported

# Initialize the inventory object with a custom provider
provider = Inventory("http://localhost:8000", "API KEY")
# requests are sent to {url}/inventory/{steam_id}/{app_id}/{context_id}?api_key=apikey
# or {url}/inventory/{steam_id}/{app_id}/{context_id} if no api_key is provided

# Use steamapis as a provider
provider = Inventory("steamapis", "API KEY")

# Use the default steamcommunity provider
provider = Inventory("steamcommunity")
# or
provider = Inventory()  # (the same as above)
# using steamcommunity will not require an API key and fetches 5000 items at once

# Get the inventory of a user
user_inventory = provider.fetch("76561198828172881")

# Get the inventory of a user with a different appid
user_inventory = provider.fetch("76561198253325712", appid=730)

# Map the inventory to a dictionary matching instanceid and classids
mapped_inventory = map_inventory(user_inventory, add_skus=True)
# if add_skus is True, the dictionary will additionaly contain the SKU of the item

src.tf2_utils.inventory.map_inventory(inventory: dict, add_skus: bool = False) list[dict]#

Matches classids and instanceids, merges these and adds sku to each item entry if add_skus is enabled

class src.tf2_utils.inventory.Inventory(provider_name: str = 'steamcommunity', api_key: str = '')#
PROVIDERS = [<class 'src.tf2_utils.providers.steamsupply.SteamSupply'>, <class 'src.tf2_utils.providers.steamapis.SteamApis'>]#
fetch(steam_id: str, app_id: int = 440, context_id: int = 2) dict#